Institute of World Missions

We just spent three of the most incredible weeks of our lives. 56 strangers from 20 countries became dear sweet friends, bonded to us like family. We learned a whole new vocabulary with words such as syncretism, contexualization, and ethnographic (spell checker doesn’t even recognize them). So how to share that with you? Well pictures are worth a thousand words.

(Go to our “Definitions” page to find out what those terms mean.)

Our studious table, with representatives from Switzerland, Nigeria, Micronesia, Rwanda, and the token Americans

Our studious table, with representatives from Switzerland, Nigeria, Micronesia, Rwanda, and the token Americans

On our ethnographic field trip to Buchanan, getting to know the local culture, one ice cream at a time.

On our ethnographic field trip to Buchanan, getting to know the local culture, one ice cream at a time.

Prayer retreat Sabbath morning.

Prayer retreat Sabbath morning.

Impromptu sing-a-long Friday Night

Impromptu sing-a-long Friday Night

Lunch--no chairs, no utensils, lots of plastic on the carpet.  Need I say more?

Lunch–no chairs, no utensils, lots of plastic on the carpet. Need I say more?

Mason and Akin teaching us a Nigerian song.

Mason and Akin teaching us a Nigerian song.

Tailgate picnic in Battle Creek, a new experience for our African friends.

Tailgate picnic in Battle Creek, a new experience for our African friends.

The West African Division (WAD) physicians and families.

The West African Division (WAD) physicians and families.

Friday night foot washing in the garden at PMC.

Friday night foot washing in the garden at PMC.

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb